Monday, October 15, 2012

Miss B is back

Hi everyone.
so happy to be back with my gang! almost a whole week was too long!
My arm is ok, my mind is clear, and the pain is small. I'm so blessed to be alive and healthy.
now, let's get back to learning!

Monday, October 8, 2012


I spontaneously organized a talk about IRON MAN triathalon with Ricardo. The kids were jazzed! We also talked about foods that give us the best energy, and greens are the winner! I sure hope they stop bringing so much starch and start to bring more green super foods!
Picture of Ricardo to follow...
great day, as always
Miss B

Friday, October 5, 2012


My bad, I'm not good at keeping up to date...
Puppets, storytelling, bingo and handwriting.
Portfolios, 'Thank you, Mr. Falker' one wish for the weekend and drawing.
life is good. have a great weekend kids

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, Standardized test day

They were very good, very calm and very confident. I am proud to say PART A went rather well.
Tomorrow is the second and final day of testing.
Sleep well tonight gang!
love, Miss B

Thursday, September 27, 2012

May Janneh

I am eight years old. I have two sisters.  I like to read.


I  am  7  years   old   and I  like   swimming.

Lawrence S.

I am 8 years old and I like reptils!


I am 8 yaers old.  My birthday is on January 31.  I love science !

Sukainah mullah

I am 8 years old. My birthday is February 12. I love rabbits!

Elijah Schofield

I am 9 years old. My birthday is September 6. I Love cats!

It's Thursday!

We finished sharing our stories, did some brain gym and sat a small math quiz. I ended the quiz with a reasoning question which stumped some of them, but challenges are good! Our brain is a muscle too, is that not so?! Let's exercise it!
We ended our morning with some High Frequency Words Bingo. Why is Bingo so fun?! It's our competitive spirit that comes out to play...
Later this morning, after Music, we read to Kindergarten. This is proving to be very productive.
Did some work on Subject and Predicate,
Finished  Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Wrapped up Chapter One of Matter and Energy: Energy Sources
and still had time for Quiet Time, buddy reading, and laughs.
Happy weekend Grade Three! See you Monday!
Don't forget to collect fabric, yarn, buttons, etc for your puppet!
lots of love
Miss B
pictures to come...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

'I' Statement

We began our day with Circle Story at Morning Meeting. Wow-what imaginations we have! Zombies chasing Peter Pan, and a rabbit with a mouse hole in his home?! Why not!
In Math we played a math game with 4 digit numbers
Went over our Science Investigations about Energy Sources and Action and created a chart.
We ended the day by sharing our writing. It was sooo great!
Why I have named this post Istatement is because today, Jove asked me if he could give an 'I' statement to a member of the class because he was hurt. I have a poster in the classroom  that reads
'I' Statement
When you _____________, I feel __________ because ___________. So, what I would like is __________.

 I was amazed! They're using their words! Breakthrough!

I also have introduced 'apology of action' This strategy requires a child who has hurt another child to think of an action that will help the hurt child feel better. Sukainah called a grade two a bad name and hurt that students feelings. She came to me with a letter addressed to the said grade two-er. I opened it and in this letter was a short and lovely apology, saying that she didn't mean to hurt his feelings and she will not do it again.

I am so proud of my grade threes.... love you guyss! Miss B

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We were hot today

The AC is broken. Yikes.. hot times in the classroom! Still, we managed to write and read a lot! to learn words like "Nomad" and "Gullible" and "Bewilderment".
Life is good. Rainy then hot, but good.
xo Miss B
Thomas and Biruk enjoying Quiet Time

Monday, September 24, 2012


We did our first ever Energy Sources Investigation.. Our solar cell didn't work :(
not sure why, and I even got the Science teacher to show me what I was doing wrong.. He said nothing, that something was wrong with the solar panel... ah ok.
 Above: Aby and Dylon at the Motor Station.
Ben pointing to his worksheet. Behind him is the Tone Generator.


My name is Eula I am 8 years old.My birthday is January 18th.I love books I don,t like comics or magazines.

Jove Nally

My name is Jove. I'm good at Basket ball swimming and soccer.


I am 8 yrs old my birthday is June 3. I love to play I don't love to sing.


I like to ride my bike I like to drive.

JJ Mansaray Banek-Gabelle

My name is J. J .When I  grow up,  I  would like  to play for  Man United  or  the  be the President  of  the United  States.

Thomas Brosnahan

My name is Thomas.I like to play. I like to build big and small things.

Friday, September 21, 2012


-Math test
-High frequency words spelling test
-Talking about PEACE
-Watching part of  'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'
-Moment of silence to commemorate PEACE
-'Charlotte's Web' read aloud
-Aaaand finally- BLOGGING!
Yipeeeeee! Happy Friday indeed.
Love, Miss B

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Reading to Kindergarten

The gang read to four kindergartens students today. They had to share the students. I think it went well. But, true to me, I forgot to bring the camera to document it for the blog.
I'll get there!
Miss B

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

a day of feelings

Today was a great day, a full day, a lively day, a day welcomed with smiles and laughter and warm feelings.
We discussed feelings today.
I keep postponing telling the gang about the blog. I don't know why exactly... I think it's because I am still in the process of downloading photos and organizing.. But enough of that! Tomorrow I will tell them.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yay! It's the beginning of a bright new life in grade 3 with Miss B!

My first blog entry.....
I have 13 lovely awesome unique students who will be writing the blog once a week.... This is their blog, I am simply the enabler..... Maybe they will write a story? Maybe they will complain? Maybe they will share their hopes and dreams? Who knows! One thing is for sure: I can't wait to see how it unfolds.
Love to you all,
Miss B